Interactive Dynamic Scripter

Key Thing About Our Product Is That …

… call script sections open precisely when needed to maximize conversions (if selling) or positive customer feedback (if servicing).

Depending on the Mode of Contact Two Types of Scripts Are Possible:

• Dynamic – where transitions between questions depend on previously given answers or on customer info
• Static – where question order doesn’t depend on previously given answers or stored customer information

Why Our Scripter?

• Reduced trigger-reaction time on customer contact
• Click-to-dial functionality
• Integration with Cisco
• Client-orientation in architecture for enterprise-wide visibility of customer information
• Lower cost per customer contact due to easier, faster and more relevant communication with the customer
• Improved quality – can enforce relevant and correct procedures
• Collect customer input – can collect customer information and react with relevant recommendations
• Increased revenue from cross sales and up sales

Also, it is interactive (with alerts, roles, and automated behavior) and allows for customers’ responses to be recorded as dynamic input.

In Bigger Detail

Interactive Dynamic Scripter (IDS) is designed to assist with processing large volumes of recurring phone contacts of medium-to-high complexity.


IDS ensures consistency in service delivery. Contacts are treated with increased efficiency in time and resource allocation. IDS also ensures that customer centricity is applied.


Interactive Dynamic Scripter (IDS) works with customers’ loyalty and satisfaction levels by allowing pre-set frameworks (scripts) to be applied to every phone conversation. The System does not only bring the short-term benefit of better prepared and more flowing conversations but also creates generally higher levels of customer perceived value (CPV).

For instance, the system can serve to deliver or reinforce brand messages via well executed scripts.

A Global Time Saver!

The entire conversation with the customer (script) is split into questions followed by dynamic selectors (essentially answers with check boxes). As the user makes a selection, comments, or otherwise inputs interactive feedback, the system automatically scrolls to the next proper section in the script, thus recognizing that interactive input from the user as signal for following through with the conversation.

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